Hello, it’s nice to meet you.  Welcome to SWAP, a simple yet brutally difficult game that will undoubtedly frustrate and personally insult you.  You likely don’t have the mental fortitude and skill required to overcome 81 levels of unfairly designed fast paced action mixed with heavy psychological manipulation and emotional warfare.  That’s okay, we think you’re great.  Quitting is the only way to win.

– 81 Challenging Story Levels
– Daily Challenge Level
– Speedrun / Timed Run Mode
– Custom Level Editor
– Soundtrack by DANCE WITH THE DEAD

Thanks to SWAP I have quit playing video games and my life has never been better!

Smart Person Smart Person


Rational Person Rational Person

Mean lady was mean to me and I broke my phone.  0/10

Emotional Person Emotional Person


The SWAP soundtrack was created by Dance With the Dead.  Check out more of what they do:

Get SWAP Now

Steam PC/Mac/Linux